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Are you ready to welcome staff back safely into your home or venue?

We have put together some ideas and practices that will help to cope with stopping the spread of covid -19.

As we move forward together and create a safe environment for all our aim is to  introduce staff back as safe as possible for all, all the while following Government guidelines.

We are Ready to Serve


For staff arriving at a venue or your home, wearing a mask and gloves before entering can help prevent the spread of CV-19. If travelling by public transport to work in the UK, then it is a legal requirement to wear a face covering which is a covering of any type which covers your nose and mouth, it can also help ensure you don’t catch or spread the virus. The least amount of people you come into contact with the better when on the way to work.

Washing hands on arrival and regularly with an antibacterial handwash is a priority

All venues should provide staff with PPE and it is always our recommendation that our butler or manager have extra PPE for each event to use when they arrive.

It is advisable to have a thermometer and  taking your temperature each morning is a good way to track if  have  Covid -19 as one of the symptoms can be a high temperature and fever. However, this is only an indicator and always seek a medical professional’s opinion.

As well as placing hand sanitiser throughout the home, you can also wipe off all door handles with anti-bacterial wipes every few hours.

    • Where possible, have staff use different staircases to go up and down, so people aren’t passing closely on the stairwell

    • Do not have any physical contact, i.e. no hugging goodbye or even shaking hands.

    • Use different doors for staff to enter and exit the house

    • Have a separate quarantine area for all deliveries that come into the house from the outside. These can either be cleaned straight away or left for 48 hours when the virus is believed to have disappeared from any surfaces.

    • Do laundry more often with towels washed daily and bed sheets every two days

    • Ask  staff to avoid using mobile phones whilst on duty or if on a break to clean their phone cover with a  sanitised cloth or tissue paper and throw it away safely.

    • You and your guests are our priority and our staffs responsibility is to ensure everything they do is minimising any contact with anyone else whilst there.